Cool Head keeps symptoms of paralysis away

Cool Head keeps symptoms of paralysis away

Testimonial of an MS patient Summer, sun, hot weather: A pleasure for many of us. But often a problem for people affected by multiple sclerosis. They feel extremely weak and tired. And they are not able to concentrate. When core body temperature rises, MS sufferers...
Pervormance international for a substainable global economy

Pervormance international for a substainable global economy

The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest and most important initiative for responsible corporate governance. Its vision is an inclusive and sustainable global economy based on its 10 universal principles. The German UN Global Compact network supports...
Bushfire Emergency in the Shoalhaven

Bushfire Emergency in the Shoalhaven

Firefighters save lives, help the injured and are always there when the need arises. It often gets hot and this quickly leads to heat stress. So firefighters are more than 100% at risk of having a heart attack. This is why we have supported Australian firefigjhters...