Leadership in Germany and Europe – something to be proud of. We were the first ones to establish washable, professional and highly efficient cooling textiles in the market. It all started with an idea in the field of medicine. But quickly the unique cooling concept has gained ground in other fields of application, such as occupational H&S, sports and leisure and even in animal care. In the meantime, not only leading enterprises protect their staff from heat stress, but also national sports teams and world champions benefit from more concentration and performance.
Our technologies have been awarded various prizes such as the recognition by the Berufsgenossenschaft für Handel & Distribution (professional association for trade and logistics), the Excellence Award and the „Germany – Land of Ideas“ Prize awarded by the Federal President.
But we want more! For us, highest quality and excellent service go hand in hand with sustainability and environmental protection. Therefore, we have committed ourselves to the ideas of the Senat der Wirtschaft (Senate of Economy) and to the principles of the UN Global Compact. Additionally, we have had our company and products analyzed in order to have pervormance international and the E.COOLINE collection climate neutral.
“A new way of thinking is necessary
if humanity wants to live on.”
Albert Einstein, physicist (1879 – 1955)

“Architects of a better world”
For us it is important to protect not only humans and animals against heat stress but also our future and environment. For this purpose, we developed an open organisational culture and communication policy, flat hierarchies and we have taken action for environmental protection and women empowerment. We produce exclusively in Germany and Europe because we want to control how our products are made. This costs a bit more but it is worthwhile.
As a member of Global Compact, the UN initiative chaired by Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, we have therefore committed ourselves to the values and principles of human rights, H&S standards, environmental protection and against corruption.
„Be an Architect of a better world“ was the motto of the „Leaders Summit“ in New York. Together with more than 1000 participants, the summit discussed and developed goals, ideas and action for a safe future. We also accepted an invitation for the UN Global Compact Initiative „caring for climate“ where we intend to put forward our ideas and commitment. We have joined the program of „Women`s Empowerment“ in order to strengthen women‘s rights all over the world.
Our appointment to the Senate of Economy „Senat der Wirtschaft“ enables us to engage in economic responsibility, sustainability and the World Forest Foundation of the Senate.

“Together we want to help the world see and believe in a better future”
Since several years, we have been inspired by the principles of Global Compact. We started to implement the idea and participated in the „Leaders Summit“ in New York. Our annual report to the UN Global Compact contains our values with regard to human rights, working standards, environmental protection and against corruption.
From numerous publications we learn that the human rights situation in the textile industry has not been regulated so far and is unsatisfactory in many areas. There still exists a high level of uncertainty in the field of child labour, forced labour, lacking voice of staff and disregard of working standards.
We therefore decided not to relocate our production activities to the Far East – despite downward price pressure in the textile industry and cancelled orders by partners because of higher production costs in Europe. Since many years we have known our German and European suppliers personally. Thus, we can easily control and guarantee compliance with human rights and working standards.
As we develop, produce and sale cooling textiles for warm and hot workplaces we contribute to improved H&S aspects in other companies so that their staff are also preemptively protected against temperatures exceeding 26°C.
Together with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, we are involved in the Alliance for Climate Protection, a broad social alliance of companies, associations and municipalities, for the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the Paris Climate Treaty, and support climate protection projects in emerging and developing countries.
With the Paris Accord, the international community has agreed to limit global warming to well below 2°C (target 1.5°C) compared with pre-industrial levels. The climate goal is to be achieved in international cooperation through national climate contributions. However, the climate contributions announced by the international community to date are far from sufficient to achieve this goal. At present, they amount to a temperature increase of 3 to 4°C.
In order to achieve the common goal and keep the temperature increase as low as possible, increased commitment and immediate action by all is therefore required. In addition to avoidance and reduction, the compensation of CO2 plays a very important role.
Allianz relies on the potential of voluntary commitment and the leverage of CO2 compensation projects in developing and emerging countries.
We are involved and take our share of responsibility by recording all CO2 emissions of our company and the entire product range and offsetting them through a recognized climate protection project. You can find out more in our brochure “pervormance – Partners in Climate Protection”.
You too can help and become a supporter of the Alliance for Development and Climate!

caring for climate
According to the UN climate report the number of hot days will increase by up to three times by the year 2020. This is only one of the impacts of climate change. We can fight the impacts with our environmentally friendly E.COOLINE cooling textiles. But we want more. Therefore, we support both the UN Global Compact, an initiative of the United Nations „caring for climate“, and the World Forest Foundation of the Senate of Economy „Senat der Wirtschaft“.
Together with political and economic institutions they stand up for environmental protection on a very high level.
But this is not enough. For us, environmental protection starts first and foremost in our own company. By having implemented various measures, we decreased our power consumption in our Ulm headquarters by 25%.
Additionally, we retained the agency „ClimatePartner“ to have our company analysed and to define appropriate action to make pervormance international and the E.COOLINE cooling textiles climate neutral.
Thus, all companies, athletes and other users of our products can fight against one of the biggest problems of climate change without leaving a carbon footprint. Small steps lead to big accomplishments.
pervormance meets ecology!
For years, more than 20% of the world’s trees have been missing. More and more CO2 is therefore being released into the atmosphere and cannot be converted back into oxygen by trees and plants. This additionally heats up the climate change. It has also been calculated that we need 2000 billion (=one trillion) trees worldwide to stop climate change. That is why E.COOLINE is part of the Trillion Tree Campaign, the most ambitious and largest reforestation project in human history. Together with the children of Plant-For-The-Planet, HSH Prince Albert of Monaco, Federal Minister Gerd Müller and many others, we are planting trees and have founded an initiative in Ulm with the unw. Take part and plant trees further down on this page.

Our tree planting campaign

Together with Plant-for-the-Planet, the unw, the company Trivis, the Volksbank Ulm and the city of Ulm, we have launched a climate initiative. It all started in 2009 with a school presentation by the then 9-year-old Felix Finkbeiner – today Plant-for-the-Planet is a global children’s and youth organization that has already planted 15 billion trees around the world with 67,000 children to stop climate change. On May 22, 2018, Felix was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit for this work. Prince Albert of Monaco is patron and many scientists like Prof. Dr. Dr. Radermacher from Ulm but also celebrities like Harrison Ford or Gisele Bündchen, Til Schweiger or Peter Maffay support the organization.

March 9th was the kick-off event of the “Trillion Trees Campaign” in Monaco, which should succeed in planting 1,000 billion trees to reach the 2° goal. According to climate experts, this number is at least necessary to at least slow down or stop climate change so that our children can still live in a world we love. We were present in Monaco and agreed with the unw (Ulmer Initiativkreis nachhaltige Wirtschaftsentwicklung e. V.), the company Trivis, the Volksbank and the city of Ulm: We are participating! The basketball players from ratiopharm Ulm are also taking part! Join in and help to realize the largest reforestation project in the history of mankind. For you – and for all of us!
Scientific studies prove the effectiveness
We are the only company in Germany that develops and manufactures cooling textiles in this way. As a pioneer for cooling clothing, we analyze our products in scientific studies, carry out broad application observations and make tests by recognized institutes. We therefore also work together with the leading opinion leaders and universities in the field of cooling. As a result, we always receive up-to-date information and trends, which we are happy to pass on to our customers. Furthermore, we are constantly developing our products further. For you, the climate and your health.

Ulm’s mayor Ivo Gönner informs himself about cooling vests

Innovation Award for E.COOLINE

Minister President Winfried Kretschmann presents the Land of Ideas Innovation Award
Shortly after having been awarded the prize of the „Land of Ideas“, we were appointed to the Senate of Economy. The Senate is composed of personalities of economy, science and culture who committed themselves to common welfare. The goals of the Senate comprise economic fairness and sustainability as well as the development of an eco-social market economy. In this context, the members regularly enter into intense communication with decision makers in policy.
Thus, the Senate intends to support political decisions by using the experience of economic experts and knowledge of scientists.

These consultants operate independently and regardless of political or economic affiliation. The Senate is presently represented by Prof. Dr. Dr. Radermacher who is also highly respected on an international level as a member of the Club of Rome.
The Senate is internationally represented by the Global Economic Network. Honorary president of the GEN is Prof. Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh, founder and head of the Grameen Bank and Nobel Peace Prize recipient. pervormance international focuses on the balance between economy and responsibility. Environment, health, safety and a future security are our main concerns.

Gabriele Renner & Sabine Stein
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